‘The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; the LORD is my rock, in whom I take refuge’ (Psalm 18:2)
Copyright © Michael A. Brown 2017
The Bible often uses anthropomorphic language to describe God. In this verse, God is called our rock, our refuge and our fortress. Elsewhere in Scripture he is called our shepherd, our light, and so on. These metaphors are pictures and images taken from daily life. The people who wrote the Bible used these descriptions of Him because they found them to be true in their daily life experience as they walked with Him. As they trusted Him and walked with Him through situations they found that he proved Himself to be just as these descriptions suggest.
A rock speaks of stability, foundation, strength and reliability. A large rock is not easily removed from its place by the storms of life. As the above verse in Psalm 18 suggests, it is a place that provides safety and a refuge in the time of a storm. The overflowing waters cannot reach us and catch us helplessly away with their raging flow precisely because our feet are standing firmly on the rock, above and away from the swirling torrent.
The well-known picture given to us in Matthew 7:24-27 of two men each building a house, tells us that one built on a foundation of rock while the other built on a foundation of sand. When the storm came against these houses, the one built on sand was quickly washed away, whereas the one built on rock withstood the storm and remained standing. It is noteworthy that the storms came against both houses, not simply against the one built on sand. Jesus made it plain in this picture that as Christians we will certainly experience times of challenge when the storms of life come against us. We are not exempt from these. However, the house of our faith (our life in our walk with Him) will remain safe as we determine that we will build it on Him and His teaching as the bed-rock foundation of our life.
We come to know and to prove what the LORD is by walking with Him through the daily issues of life. It is through the interface of our faith and the issues and situations of daily living that we grow and become stronger in our faith. It is faith that is tested which becomes stronger, just as our muscles become stronger by being exerted against load. The challenge which you are presently facing may be difficult, much as a storm that has come against you. It may be sickness; it may be bereavement and loss; it may be unemployment and so a challenge in the area of work; it may be an age-related difficulty in terms of health and care; it could be a problem in your family; it could be an issue related to migrancy and its pressures, and so on. You may feel as though you are facing the very brunt of what is coming against you, and feeling weak or hopeless in the face of it.
Beloved, we are called to walk with God over a whole lifetime. It is not a part-time walk with God which we do only some of the time. It is not a spare-time walk which we can do just as and when we please or when we feel like it. No, we have to learn that our walk with God needs to be consistent every day of our life, in and through every situation and circumstance that we find ourselves facing. It is in determining to face life and our specific circumstances with our feet standing firmly on the rock of Christ that we become strong in our faith, and that we discover and learn the same lessons that the people in the Bible learned, that God truly is a rock and a refuge in times of trouble. Trusting God in our circumstances is a choice we make. We can make the wrong choice and go away from God, but we only end up hurt, disappointed and perhaps even bitter. Let’s make the right choice and trust God! The apostle Paul said, ‘Anyone who trusts in Him will never be put to shame’ (Rom. 10:11). As you determine to trust Him and to walk with Him through what you are facing, you will discover that He will prove Himself faithful to you. His word is true, His promises are trustworthy, He has integrity and He will provide for you and see you through!
As you walk with Him, standing on the rock, communing with Him and believing His promises in your circumstances, He will infuse you with His strength to replace your weakness, and He will keep both your heart and mind in peace: ‘You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal’ (Isa. 26:3-4, cf. Phil. 4:6-7). You will emerge from the time of testing and the storm with your faith stronger, with a testimony of what the LORD has done for you and with the song of praise of the Psalmist on your lips: ‘I love you, O LORD, my strength… I call to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies… The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God my Saviour!’ (Ps. 18:1,3,46).
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