© 2018 Michael A. Brown
of you reading this today need to take a step of faith. You find yourself before a situation and you
know that humanly speaking it is impossible for you to deal with it. Your mind is afraid, your heart trembles and
you are wavering in unbelief. Your eye
sees only the impossibility or the size of the problem. But at the same time you are praying and seeking God, and in your
spirit you know what you should do. The
Holy Spirit is encouraging you through the promises of the word of God, and he
is whispering quietly to you that you need to trust him, to hold his hand and
to go forward in faith.
So don’t
look only at the size of the problem!
Don’t see only how difficult the obstacles are! Don’t keep asking yourself, “What if…” Yes, it may seem impossible, but our God is
bigger – much bigger! – than the problems and obstacles before you, and he can
do what for you seems impossible. With
our God all things are possible! Fear,
worry and anxiety will paralyze you and will cause you to stay where you are and as you
are, but taking a deep breath, trusting God and taking a step of faith will set
you free and allow him to work for you.
is only one way to go forward in God and his work, and that is by faith! As you take that step of faith and go forward
holding God’s hand, it will give him opportunity to act on your behalf. You will have the thrill, excitement and joy of seeing
him working!
chapter 11 contains a long record of the exploits that many of God’s people in
the OT did. Many names are mentioned –
Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Gideon, Barak, Samuel,
David and the prophets, and so on. There
are many of them, not just a few. Many
individual men (and women) who followed God in their generation and acted in
faith, and saw him work. Many people who
understood this principle of faith in action, and they are all commended for
their faith (11:2). They are examples to
us of what God can do. The message in
this chapter is simple – God looks for faith in his people; he wants believers
to become men and women of faith; he is pleased when he finds such people, he
honours their faith and he acts on their behalf; he wants to raise up a testimony
through them and show the world what a faithful and powerful God he is for
anyone who will believe.
people in the Bible narratives had not acted and gone forward in faith, then
God could not have worked for them. Taking steps of faith is necessary to see
him work. If Noah had not acted in faith, he and his whole family would have drowned like everyone else. Without faith, Abraham and
Sarah would have remained childless. The
Israelites would have remained trapped on the Egyptian side of the Red Sea, and
would have been slaughtered by Pharaoh’s army.
Samson would never have exercised his great strength. If David had not believed God and acted by
faith, Goliath would have continued standing there taunting Saul’s army. The Shunammite’s son would have remained
dead. Naaman would have remained
sick. The Roman centurion’s servant would
have died. Bartimaeus would have stayed
blind and would still be begging on the street.
Peter would have remained in the boat and never walked on water. Paul and Barnabas would never have gone out
as missionary apostles. They would not
have evangelised the Gentiles and new congregations of believers would never
have come into being. And so on… These people would all have remained where
they were, done nothing and simply stayed as they were. You
have to take steps of faith in order for God to act! If you do not take that step of faith, you
too will stay where you are and nothing will change in your situation.
did not deny the fact that his physical body was very old and that his wife Sarah
was past the normal age of child-bearing.
He could see the obstacles and he was well aware of them. He knew that it was impossible for God’s word
to be fulfilled naturally speaking. Yet
he kept his eyes fixed on the promise of God and battled with the unbelief in
his heart. He did not waver or decide
against the promise of God and give up.
No, the narrative says that he grew strong in faith and gave glory to
God. He overcame unbelief, he believed
God, he acted in faith, and as a couple they saw the promise of God being fulfilled
in their lives (Romans 4:17-21).
you go forward by faith, God will act for you, and you will see in a much
greater way than you do now just how big he is, how faithful he is, how strong
he is, and how willing he is to act on behalf of those whose hearts are fully
committed to him. He wants his work in
your life and your church to grow and prosper.
So don’t be afraid and don’t waver in unbelief! Don’t be double-minded! Overcome the doubts, fear and anxiety you may
have within by fixing your mind and heart on the promises of God’s word. Look unto Jesus the author and finisher of your
faith, rise up, act in faith and take that step! And God will work
on your behalf!
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